
“To photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart.”
It was with this famous quote by Henri Cartier-Bresson that this extraordinarily expressive world entered my life.
A graduate in art history, I attended post graduate courses in photography at the London College of Communication and countless other courses, all of which taught me the technical skills, but above all, the awareness of refining and expressing the artistic and emotional elements that were already within me.
The ability to feel the moment makes all the difference: it doesn’t matter how good or powerful your gear, if you do not have this gift, your job becomes purely a technical exercise.
A photoshoot witnesses an event. When we direct a camera at a target we should choose the best scene to tell the story. I, as a mere spectator, must strive to communicate through my pictures all the feelings of that very moment.
I am a storyteller. For this reason, photojournalism appeals to me very much. With this approach I can record everything in the most natural and spontaneous way. I hope when you see my photos you will feel the uniqueness of those unforgettable moments and be surprised with moments you never knew had happened.
More on my twin website at https://www.gpourplanet.com/
 Giampiero D'Antonio